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The history of the Mazza estate

'Auf der Burg', the oldest part of Weissenkirchen, is situated on a sunny hillock above town near the Scheiben quarter, which, in the year of 1905, was designated as the oldest part of Weissenkirchen by the historical researcher Dechant Plessar. In times past, it served as a retreat for the local citizens during foreign incursions, and the Weinzierl gate then stood near the estate.  The path to neighboring Weinzierl  meandered out of this historic town quarter, not along the brook as in present time.

The carving on the beam of the old wine-press, now gracing the wine tavern of the Mazza estate, reads 'ASP Anno 1695'.  Proof that viticulture has been thriving on this very spot for over 300 years.  The carved initials 'ASP' stand for Andre Steinpacher, who owned the estate beginning in the year of 1693.  The name Stierschneider repeatedly occurs among the chain of owners throughout the centuries.  A Johann Stierschneider died of the Black Plague in 1679; a Karl Stierschneider is mentioned in the year 1801.  Beginning in the year 1802,  the name Graf start to appear as well.  Anno 1921,  the lives of the Stierschneiders and Grafs intersected once more, when Ilse's grandmother, a born Graf, married Franz Stierschneider.  The estate remained under the Stierschneider name for another two generations, until the name change to Mazza.